Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009


Und wieder die Küche der Gerüchte. Ben Stiller ist offen für einen zweiten Zoolander-Teil. Und der kongeniale Owen Wilson wäre wohl auch dabeieieiei. Hell, yeah, that´s good news.
I’d love to do Zoolander 2. We’ve actually worked on a script over the years and hopefully it’ll happen. It’s just a matter of … getting it all together and finding the right story, but it would really be fun to do that again. It’d have to be about 10 years later. I think Derek’s son, Derek Jr., would be grown or at least 10 years old. I think Derek would have to be sort of dealing with the fact that he’s no longer a model. Maybe he has a modeling school. I don’t know. He’s sort of like an older, wizened sort of model — probably with lots of gray in his hair and maybe a beard.

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