Samstag, 25. Juli 2009

Castlevania Movie.

Ok, ok... Videospiel- und Zeichentrick- und Vampir-Verfilmungen tauchen momentan aus Ihren Erdhöhlen auf wie Wüstenhunde zur Abenddämmerung. Aber hier werd ich nunmal weich. James Wan, einer der Köpfe hinter der Saw-Reihe nimmt eines meiner absoluten Lieblings-Videospiele Castlevania aufs Korn. Freude. Vampire klatschen und Peitsche schwingen... Hier gibt es Wans Kommentar und ein erstes (Fake?) Poster zum Film.
I'm very fresh on this project, so its early stages and I'm still trying to work things out, but the producers love my vision for it, I'll be working on the script with a writer to give it a new spin, different to the previous versions. This will have my stamp on it which Konami is very excited about. The thing I love about what Konami did with Castlevania, was taking the iconic Dracula mythology and Eastern-European setting, and retelling it with a Japanese pop-cultural sensibility," he continues. "That’s the East-meets-West tone I want to visually expand on for the film. I’m thrilled by the opportunity to make a highly stylized, fantasy, action film that focuses on the gothic storyline and the cool, anime-like characters. For once, the human hero is as sexy and dangerous as the vampire villain, and his weapon of choice was what attracted me to the project in the first place – The Vampire Killer Whip.

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